Healthy Placemaking x Mi Lobi Zuid

Healthy Placemaking x Mi Lobi Zuid




Inholland University of Applied Sciences


  • Hotelschool The Hague
  • HZ University of Applied Sciences
  • Winkelcentrum Zuidplein
  • Sportbedrijf Rotterdam
  • Theater Zuidplein
  • Rotterdam Ahoy
  • Being a Designer

Over the past months, the Healthy Placemaking project has explored different dimensions of positive health in the Hart van Zuid district. Desk research revealed that meaningfulness and participation scored lower in the area’s Positive Health indicators. Building on these insights, we conducted qualitative research within the Mi Lobi Zuid project, a participatory initiative led by artist Naomi King and developed as part of student Joris Sauerbier’s graduation project. Through this project, we engaged with residents to understand how they wish to participate in their neighborhood.

The initiative brought vibrant art to Zuidplein, sparking pride and connection in the community. Residents shared how activities with personal touches and opportunities for collaboration could enhance their sense of belonging. They also emphasized the importance of creating lasting, inclusive interventions that align with their personal motivations and schedules.

In the coming six months, we will experiment with new interventions inspired by these findings, including activities during ART Rotterdam Week. These efforts aim to further explore regenerative placemaking and foster a stronger, healthier sense of community in Hart van Zuid.